12 different backlit graphics on the back wall make the Casonara 360 10.03 a can't miss display kit. Between the 96"w x96"h center panel and the two 39.4"w x 96"h return panels, this back wall layout has over 480 LED lights to illuminate your branding. In addition to the eye-catching back wall, this kit also utilizes a backlit counter in the front of the booth. In total, this kit has over 520 LED lights to make your booth shine.
12 different backlit graphics on the back wall make the Casonara 360 10.03 a can't miss display kit. Between the 96"w x96"h center panel and the two 39.4"w x 96"h return panels, this back wall layout has over 480 LED lights to illuminate your branding. In addition to the eye-catching back wall, this kit also utilizes a backlit counter in the front of the booth. In total, this kit has over 520 LED lights to make your booth shine.
Backlit Counter
Light Arrays
Shipping Case
The Casonara 360 backlit 10.03 kit takes backlit displays to a new level. Using a single 96"w x 96"h center backlit panel and two 39.4"w x 96"h return panels, this display is designed for a 10x10 area but can be shifted to fit nearly any size event space or layout. In addition to the back wall, this kit also includes a backlit counter in the front of the booth for added branding. All of the graphics in this kit are printed on stretch fabric using a hiqh quality dye-sub print. The entire kit, the 8ft panel, the two return panels and the counter, ships in three CA700 hard shipping cases.